021-69982234   69982118



    Pearl Digital Software Development (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd三珠数码软件开发(上海)有限公司(PDE):
    Pearl Digital Software Development (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.(PDE)在上海建立了工作室,由著名游戏《古墓丽影》系列的制作人特洛伊.霍顿创立。公司通过提供技术和美术方面的专业游戏开发外包服务,为全球互动娱乐软件公司的产品和增强其财务竞争力提供优秀的解决方案。PDE的管理层在全球游戏产业积累了超过四十年的深厚经验和知识,因而确保PDE的游戏开发服务解决方案能够为客户提供真正的竞争优势。PDE将重点为顶级电脑和电视游戏市场服务,特别是为XBOX360,Sony PS3,Sony PSP和顶级PC等平台提供美术和技术的解决方案。   

    Pearl Digital has a studio in Shanghai, and was founded by Troy Horton, the producer of famous game series’ “Tomb Raider”. The Company provides outsourced professional game development services in art and technology areas, offering an excellent solution for the product development and increased financial competitiveness of global entertainment software companies.  Because Pearl’s management team has accumulated 40+ years of combined experience and knowledge from the international game industry, ensuring that Pearl’s game development services solutions provide a true competition advantage for our clients.  Pearl’s key market addresses is the top computer and video game industry, provide art and the technology service solutions for consoles such as XBOX360, Sony PS3, Sony PSP and top PC games.

    为什么在PDE工作? Why do we work in Pearl Digital?
    •         有竞争力的薪资 Competitive salary
    •         丰厚绩效奖金 Attractive performance bonus
    •         人性化的管理 Humanist management
    •         富有亲情的福利计划 Benefit with families
    •         开门政策-与员工即时沟通 Open Door policy – Communication with staff in time
    •         通过培训和与最优秀的人才合作来获得持续的进步 Consistently improvement by internal training and cooperation                with the most excellent talent
    •         与行业内亲身参与过最顶级游戏开发的管理团队合作 Cooperation with the management team which had                              development experience of top level game
    •         不存在“玻璃天花板”,职位、薪酬等由能力和贡献而定 No “Glass Ceiling”, the position and compensation are                decided according to your capability and contribution
    •         工作将充满乐趣,公司也将经常组织各种活动 Work with fun, our Company always organizes many kinds of activities
    •         迅速有效的决策将使每位员工的未来发展受益匪浅 Fast and effective decision-making for good future both of                      Comp any and Staff
    •         每个人都可以参与建设新的公司文化——加入一个新的家庭! Every individual could join the process of improving                and building the Company Culture—Company is a family of all staff!








